Thursday, November 11, 2021

Surgical Pathology Report


There were no surprises in the report -- the tumor was synovial sarcoma as expected. I'm continuing to put all information on the blog as a backup of medical records. Some of our friends are physicians too, so if I can get free medical analysis I'll take it.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Second Operation

The second operation took place Saturday. The tumor was attached to the lung and chest wall so there was more lung resection and removal of tissue from the chest. The incision was the same as the last time, the surgeon opening the chest at the same place.

It’s Monday afternoon as I write this, happy to be out of the hospital. This time around I didn’t need the opiates as much as before and so feel more clearheaded. I have a variety of pain-management drugs which should work just fine.

I’m hoping to be back on my feet in a few months and looking forward to going skiing. I’m so happy to be home. A hospital stay makes sitting on the couch watching television seem like a luxury vacation.